Sweet Synchronicity.

Written by Cole Schafer

Carl Jung believed most coincidences weren't coincidences at all but instead synchronicities.

The Swiss Psychologist coined the term synchronicity to describe the phenomenal moments in life when two unrelated experiences become intertwined in a surprising way. While most scientists believe synchronicities to be nothing more than coincidences caused from confirmation bias, Jung felt differently.

Jung felt that most "coincidences" were directly related to the observer's mind and could provide powerful insight and direction.

I side with Jung.

I don't believe in superstition. I don't think twice about a black cat crossing the road or a murder of crows piled on the rooftop of my home. However, I do believe in synchronicity. I am constantly looking for positive synchronicities in my life to fuel my creativity, brighten my day and feel better about decisions I am making with my heart rather than my mind.

I will never walk past a heads-up penny. I will squint to see meaningful shapes in the clouds. I will smile every time I think of someone and, at that very same moment, they decide to call. I will read books and watch movies and listen to albums that people keep bringing up to me at random. I will feel luckier than a leprechaun in a patch of four-leaf clovers when I see my lucky number on a mailbox or a mile marker or etched somewhere in a bathroom stall.

I believe in synchronicity because looking for synchronicity makes my life better, happier and lighter. I believe in synchronicity because there is something beautiful about spending your life looking for positive coincidences that might not be coincidences at all.