Honey, I shrunk the kids.

Written by Cole Schafer

People are constantly working to shrink the world. Some do this shrinking consciously. But, most of us do it subconsciously. Shrinking provides us with a sense of comfort because it makes the world more manageable. We don't choose a country to inhabit but instead a neighborhood within a city within a country. We shrink this neighborhood even further by choosing a place to call home. Of the nearly 8 billion people on Earth, we choose 80 to call acquaintances and perhaps 8 to call close friends. We think we crave more. But, "more" often comes with a cost. We are experiencing this firsthand as the devices in our pockets are allowing us to touch every corner of the world with our fingertips. Yet, we are left feeling isolated and overwhelmed. What we are truly after is depth, value and quality. This is why we shrink.